Monday, September 3, 2012

“Change is Imperative”

The old eagle perched on a tree branch thoughtfully. It was time to make a tough decision. It was feeling hungry. Aged 40 in “eagle years”, its once sharp beak was now bent. Its strong flexible talons which helped it hold on to its prey were now blunt and dull. Its heavy wings and thick feathers were weighing it down. Flying, hunting, surviving was becoming increasingly difficult.

What could the eagle do? It had two choices.

It could die. Or it could go through a painful process of change that took almost 150 days. This choice is a crucial point in every eagle’s life, and our old friend decided that it would make that change.

The eagle soared high up to the mountaintop and sat on its nest. Then it whittled away its beak, using a rock. It waited for a little while till a new beak grew in its place. The next step was to remove its old talons and wait for new ones to grow.

Finally, the eagle trimmed its old feathers, and pared down all that extra weight. Five months later, the whole process of revival and regeneration was complete and our brave eagle friend lived for another 30 fruitful and happy “eagle years”!

Why is change important? Many times, in order to survive we may need to really shake things up because only once we’re freed from past burdens, we can take advantage of the present. Remember, nature favors those who are willing to undergo painful change, so chin up and soar high on strong new wings.

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